Deconstructing Christianity? – a talk with Tim Barnett

“Deconstruction.” It’s trending. It’s a word that is used when people radically re-think, re-shape, or sometimes even walk away from their faith.

It’s not necessarily the same as having doubts. Having doubts is normal from time to time. This, however, is something different. It is an organized movement to undermine many of the beliefs of the Christian faith without using the Bible as a standard.

You probably know someone who has re-shaped their faith in a way that seems “off,” but you’re not exactly sure how or why. Perhaps you want to better understand what is happening, either for a friend or family member, or maybe even for yourself.

If so, buckle up.

Tim Barnett (along with Alisa Childers) has written a helpful book: The Deconstruction of Christianity: What It Is, Why It’s Destructive, And How To Respond. This podcast is an interview with Tim.

Tim is an apologist and speaker with Stand to Reason, an apologetics ministry dedicated to training Christians to think more clearly about their faith. He speaks to thousands of people across North America every year (both in person and online), and his YouTube channel (Red Pen Logic) reaches millions of people every month. Tim has worked as a teacher, has a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics, a Bachelor of Education, and a Master of Arts in Philosophy. He’s served on the pastoral staff at a church, is married, has three children, loves hockey, and has some cool hats (more about that toward the end of the interview).

You can listen to our talk here or on your favourite podcasting platform. You can also watch on YouTube.

Below you will also find a list of topics and quotes from our discussion, along with the links we discuss.




Topics, quotes, links:

  • We all know people who have left their Christian faith. Is that the same thing as deconstruction?
  • The definition of deconstruction: “a postmodern process of rethinking your faith without regarding Scripture as a standard.”
  • Doubt and deconstruction are not necessarily the same thing
  • How does the idea that truth is “relative” relate to the process of deconstruction?
  • The “two story” approach to truth with an upstairs and a downstairs
  • Objective truth vs. subjective truth
  • How does social media and the internet impact the deconstruction process for some people?
  • What are the reasons people tend to start to doubt their faith? Why does this lead some people deconstruct, but others to grow more robust?
  • Faith is based not on flawed Christians, including leaders, but on Jesus
  • When someone experiences a crisis foundations matter
  • If you have a sure foundation you are much more likely to come out of deconstruction on the other side as a stronger Christian.
  • “In today’s skeptical culture, it’s not a matter of if doubts come, but when they come.”
  • “Bad and untruthful ideas are harmful to people”
  • “People mistake their own personal faith, which might be full of incorrect beliefs, with the authentic Christian faith.” Can you explain more about that?
  • Where does my theology (beliefs, faith) not line up with the once-for-all-delivered-to-the-saints faith?
  • You can’t deconstruct the once-for-all-delivered-to-the-saints faith
  • How should we walk alongside someone who is going through major doubts, or who is going down a path of re-thinking major components of their faith?
  • Prayer, care, clarity about what is happening, establishing boundaries, maintaining the relationship, having hope
  • “The number one thing for faith being passed on from parent to child is relationship.”
  • Can you speak directly for a moment to the person listening right now who feels like they may be losing their faith—or, at least, the historic Christian understanding of faith—and wants guidance about what to do?
  • Genuinely seek (Matthew 7:7), don’t give up, don’t disconnect
  • “An examined faith is a healthy faith.”
  • Buy the book: “The Deconstruction of Christianity: What It Is, Why It’s Destructive, And How To Respond.”
  • (merch)
  • Stand to Reason –
  • Red Pen Logic (YouTube)

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