The opposite of worry [Podcast]


It can rob you of contentment. You know it. I know it. We all know it!

Maybe that’s why Jesus’ words are so poignant, powerful and popular: “do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear… Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

The antidote to worry is to live by faith, trusting that God will provide for us. Sounds easy enough, right? Wrong. It’s one of those things that is easy to say but hard to do. (Kind of like loving your neighbour as yourself. Easy to say, hard to do!)

That’s why on September 29, 2019 I offered a teaching based on Matthew 6:25-34 which helps us understand what Jesus’ taught about worry, and how we can better live by faith. It’s Part 4 in the Contentment series.

The message is called “The opposite of worry.” Not only do I explore Jesus’ words, but offer four suggestions to live more by faith and less by worry.

After all, worry and faith can’t both command the same brain at the same time.

Unfortunately, there was an issue with the live stream and video this week, but you can still hear the audio here. Enjoy!

“The opposite of worry”

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